Marty Robbins Marty Robbins - Old Red

Old Red was one of the orniest yet
I'd seen at the big rodeo
He'd bite you and kick you and stomp out your life,
Old Red had never been rode

Meaner than sin,wild as the wind
That blew on the Montana plains
Old Red was one of the last of it's breed
And wasn't about to be tamed

From Idaho,a young cowboy came
To ride in the big rodeo
The young cowboy's name was Billy McLean.
And Billy had never been thrown

The greatest desire filled young Billy's heart
To ride this old outlaw called Red
He drew him one day and I heard Billy say
"I'll ride him or drop over dead"

Old Red was wicked down there in the shoot
He was kicking and stomping about
Billy climbed into the saddle with ease
Then yelled turn him loose let us out

Old Red came out with his head on the ground
His back hooves were touching his nose
Trying to get rid of the man on his back
But the man went wherever he goes

Billy was racking Old Red with his spurs
From his tail to the tip of his chin
He was doing right well,but Billy could tell
This outlaw would never give in

Old Red was running straight for the fence
Suddenly stopping and then
He reared on his hind legs and fell on his back
Taking poor Billy with him

There was a hush in the crowd and they knew
This would be Billy's last ride
The saddle horn crushed Billies chest when they fell
And under Old Red Billy died

Old Red lay still, no more would he move
The cowboys that seen it could tell
In trying to throw Billy off his back
Old Red broke his neck when he fell

Out in the west, there's a place where they rest
This cowboy that never was thrown
Just one foot away resting there neath the clay
Is the outlaw that never was rode